In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from pyMPM import MPM

In [3]:'seaborn')

1. Attenuation by water vapor over for MW range from 1 GHz to 100 GHz

In [4]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14,6))

f = np.arange(1,100)     # Vector of frequencies in GHz
T = 15                # Air temperature in degree Celcius
P = 1013              # Air pressiure in mbar
RH_vec = [0, 50, 100] # List of relative humidity values used for plotting

for RH in RH_vec:
    A = MPM(f, P, T, RH, 0, 0, 0, 'att')
    ax.semilogy(f,A, label='RH ' + str(RH) + '%')

ax.set_xlabel('f in GHz')
ax.set_ylabel('A in db/km')

2. Attenuation vs. RH for three frequencies and RH from 0% to 100%

In [5]:
f_vec = [15,22.235,30, 80, 110]# Vector of frequencies in GHz
T = 30                # Air temperature in degree Celcius
P = 1013              # Air pressiure in mbar
RH_vec = np.arange(100)  # Vector of relative humidity values

2.1 Calculate it

In [6]:
A_dict = {}
for f in f_vec:
    A = [MPM(f, P, T, RH, 0, 0, 0, 'att') for RH in RH_vec]
    A_dict[str(f) + 'GHz'] = A

2.2 Plot it

In [7]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14,6))

for f in f_vec:
    key = str(f) + 'GHz'
    ax.plot(RH_vec, A_dict[key], label=key)
ax.set_xlabel('Relative humidity in %')
ax.set_ylabel('Attenuation in db/km');

3. Attenuation vs. absolute humidity

3.1 Some functions to convert from RH to absolute humidity (=water vapor density)

In [8]:
def sat_water_vap_pres(T):
    T     = Temperature in ∞C
    e_sat = Saturated water vapor pressure in HPa (=mbar)
    Calculates the saturated water vapor pressure with
    the approximation by Bolton (1980)
    return 6.112 * np.exp(17.67 * T / (T + 243.5))

def abs_hum(RH,T):
    Calculate absolute humidity from temperature and relative humidity
    abs_hum = absolute humidity on g/m^3
    RH      = relative humidity in percent
    T       = temperature in degree C

    R = 8.3144621e-2 # gas constant in hPa*m^2/(mol*K)
    M = 18.02       # molar weight in g/mol
    TK = T + 273.15
    abs_h = RH / 100.0 * sat_water_vap_pres(T) * M / R / TK
    return abs_h

3.2 Plot it

In [9]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14,6))

abs_hum_vec = abs_hum(RH_vec,T)

for f in f_vec:
    key = str(f) + 'GHz'
    ax.plot(abs_hum_vec, A_dict[key], label=key)
ax.set_xlabel('Absolute humidity in g/m$^3$')
ax.set_ylabel('Attenuation in db/km');

4. Fit linear relation between attenuation and absolute humidity

In [10]:
def fit_linear(xd,yd):
    # determine best fit line
    par = np.polyfit(xd, yd, 1, full=True)
    return slope[0], intercept[0]

4.1 Plot fitted line in data from above

In [11]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14,6))

for f in f_vec:
    key = str(f) + 'GHz'
    ax.plot(abs_hum_vec, A_dict[key], marker='o', linestyle='none', label=key)
    slope, intercept = fit_linear(abs_hum_vec, A_dict[key])
    ax.plot(abs_hum_vec, intercept + slope*abs_hum_vec, 'k--')
ax.set_xlabel('Absolute humidity in g/m$^3$')
ax.set_ylabel('Attenuation in db/km');

4.2 Plot fit parameters for different frequencies and temperatures

In [12]:
T_vec = [0,20,40]
f_vec = range(1,100,1)

P = 1013                 # Air pressiure in mbar
RH_vec = np.arange(100)  # Vector of relative humidity values

fit_param_T = {}
for T in T_vec:
    abs_hum_vec = abs_hum(RH_vec, T)
    slope_vec = np.zeros_like(f_vec, dtype=float)
    intercept_vec = np.zeros_like(f_vec, dtype=float)
    for i_f,f in enumerate(f_vec):
        A = [MPM(f, P, T, RH, 0, 0, 0, 'att') for RH in RH_vec]
        slope_vec[i_f], intercept_vec[i_f] = fit_linear(abs_hum_vec, A)
    fit_param_T[str(T)] = {'slope': slope_vec,
                           'intercept': intercept_vec}

In [13]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1, sharex=True, figsize=(14,8))

for T in T_vec:
    ax[0].plot(f_vec, fit_param_T[str(T)]['slope'], label=str(T) + '$^oC$')
    ax[1].plot(f_vec, fit_param_T[str(T)]['intercept'], label=str(T) + '$^oC$')
fig.suptitle('Linear fit of absolute humidty vs. attenuation', fontsize=14)

Note that the linear fit is not a good approximation above 50 GHz since there, abs_hum vs. A has a more parabolic shape!!!

In [ ]: